Getting to Good Enough
February 8, 2024

Imperfect Wins

In the whirlwind of "adulting," we often prioritize productivity and perfection over simply showing up and being present.

Imperfect Wins

Blueprint #10 Imperfect Wins

Lesson: It’s not always going to go as planned.

This last week, parenthood took a sharp turn. Amy got knocked out by a nasty bug and then I fell victim to the same illness, which wreaked havoc on the household. Schedules went bonkers, TV reigned supreme, and the menu featured more sugar than normal. But guess what? We made it. The kids (mostly) survived, got to school, and even emerged with a few extra pounds of love and laughter. I (somehow) made it through my virtual meetings, onboarded new clients, kept my team on track, and moved my deliverables forward.

Insight: Getting by is sometimes all we can do.

In the whirlwind of "adulting," we often prioritize productivity and perfection over simply showing up and being present. These chaotic past few weeks served as a powerful reminder: sometimes, the biggest win is simply keeping the ship afloat.

Because here's the truth: you just have to be good enough to win and winning parameters need to change as soon as the variables change . The good enough presentation that gets delivered on time but isn’t a masterpiece along with the bagel for your kids dinner sometimes is just the way it goes. We do what we can and prioritize the super important things on the weeks that chaos hits. Find the win in proper prioritization and stop striving for perfection, especially when things don’t go as planned.

Action Item:

Celebrate the imperfect wins. Don't sweat the mess. And cheers to all the parents out there, juggling responsibilities at home and work.