Owners Mindset
February 14, 2024

Ditch the Glitter, Embrace the Grind

Don't settle for lukewarm business partners. Find your Kelly, your co-pilot who makes the storms fun and the victories even sweeter.

Ditch the Glitter, Embrace the Grind

Blueprint #11: Ditch the Glitter, Embrace the Grind

Lesson: My Unfiltered Truth About Starting a Business 

Forget Instagram stories that paint entrepreneurship as champagne-fueled cocktail parties. Let's get real: starting a business is messy, demanding, and riddled with sacrifices. At 18, I traded college parties for dishwashing, mop wringing, and 5am wake-up calls building a korean restaurant. Glamorous? Hell no.

Building a dream is hard. Period. You'll make choices your friends won't understand, work when others play, and hustle even when doubt whispers in your ear. But here's the secret sauce that can make the journey not just bearable, but damn enjoyable: surround yourself with people you actually like.

Between then and now, I have started dozens of businesses and am reminded time and time again just how hard it is to run a business, let alone a successful one. But there is one thing that I have picked up along the way that can ease the inconvenience, discomfort and can make your life a whole lot more enjoyable. 

Insight: Starting a small business is NOT glamorous.

That's why I partnered with Kelly Shuman on Rebel June, to build an awesome tattoo care company. Yes, we still work on cold Sundays when the rest of the world's snoozing, but we do it with laughter, shared dreams, and find humor in the toughest of situations.

And guess what? It works! Our killer product, supportive community, and dream team just sold out our first batch, forcing us to double the next order! Sometimes, all you need is a warm jacket, a good friend by your side, and the unshakeable belief that the grind will be worth it.

Action Item:

Don't settle for lukewarm business partners. Find your Kelly, your co-pilot who makes the storms fun and the victories even sweeter. And get your Rebel June today at www.rebeljune.com


Young Han