When one door slams shut, another one might swing wide open if you keep at it.
Starting a business usually begins with passion—an idea you believe the world needs. Then comes the emotional rollercoaster of learning to sell that idea. At first, it’s tempting to take every rejection personally. The constant “no thanks” or “not interested” can shake your confidence and make you wonder if your passion is misplaced. But here’s the thing: failing in sales isn’t the end; it’s the rite of passage every successful entrepreneur goes through.
This is a hard lesson I’ve had to learn that you will get more “no’s” in 1 week as a business owner than you will in a month as a “muggle”. It’s tough but it’s part of the process.
Each closed door may sting, but it’s also an invitation to refine your pitch and sharpen your skills. Selling is about persistence and adaptability—each “no” teaches you something new about your product, your customers, or the market itself. Even when it feels personal, it’s not. And remember, every time you meet someone new, you gain another shot at sharing what you do. When one door slams shut, another one might swing wide open if you keep at it. Shake off the disappointments, learn what you can, and step forward again.
I’d love to help you navigate the ups and downs of selling (and failing) with a system that converts more “no’s” into “yes.” Don't hesitate to email me at young@foreveryoung.agency. I have a really great business partner at Next Up Leader that can help with these skills https://www.nextupleader.com/