Owners Mindset
July 25, 2024

Lesson, Insight, Action Item: Why a meal with a friend is never a bad idea

I essentially put all my owner friends in a group chat/community. I'd love to extend an invite, but first check us out at www.owners.club. If yo

Lesson, Insight, Action Item: Why a meal with a friend is never a bad idea

Lesson: Don’t eat your meals alone

As a business owner, wearing all the hats can feel overwhelming. Recently, I was facing some tough decisions, and it felt like I was drowning in possibilities (and anxieties!).

Then, something unexpected happened. Out of the blue, a fellow owner, Pablo Sosa, reached out after seeing one of my LinkedIn posts. He simply offered to grab dinner and "talk it through." Spontaneity isn't my strong suit, but something made me say yes.

Insight: Building Your Network is Building Your Success

That dinner with Pablo was a game-changer. Yes, we tackled business challenges (and created some new ones!), but more importantly, we built a genuine connection. We learned about each other's lives beyond the boardroom.

Strong relationships are the foundation of business success. People do business with people they trust and like. By investing time in building your network, you're not just building a safety net for tough times, you're laying the groundwork for future opportunities.

Actionable Item: Reach Out & Build Your Inner Circle

Who's in YOUR network? Think about other owners you admire or have crossed paths with. Take action this week: send a message, grab coffee, or even extend a similar dinner invitation – you never know where that connection might lead. You might just unearth a valuable resource and a new friend in the process.

I essentially put all my owner friends in a group chat/community. I'd love to extend an invite, but first check us out at www.owners.club. If you want to multiply your network overnight, reach out and I'll give you a discount code.

