Owners Mindset
January 25, 2024

I Don’t Believe in Luck

Remember, success is not just about waiting for the right moment; it's about actively creating the moments that lead to success.

I Don’t Believe in Luck

Blueprint #8: I Don’t Believe in Luck

Lesson: In the pursuit of success, waiting for luck is a passive approach.

I’ve lived the majority of my life waiting for someone to notice me and my hard work. For someone to give me the promotion or one of my businesses to magically take off. And then hoping that success would catapult me to greater success, purpose, and happiness. What I’ve learned is that you are the common denominator in what keeps happening to you in your life and are much more likely to get what you want if you focus on making your own “luck”.

4 years ago I became incredibly frustrated over the status quo of being in middle class America and wanted to try something radical to change my trajectory. I started by interviewing over 100 people that I considered successful in leveraging their time for exponential money. And I put out into the world that I was interested in meeting more people like that. Through this exercise I was able to meet so many mentors and friends, learn what they valued, how I could be valuable to them and myself, and so much more.

Insight: It's time to manufacture opportunities for your business.

In a world where luck can be created, I suggest three guiding principles to ensure you are manufacturing opportunities for your business. Here they are…

  • Put Yourself Out There: Stepping out of your comfort zone is the first step toward opportunities. Actively engage with new people, attend events, and join communities. Spread goodwill by providing value. Success often emerges at the intersection of preparedness and proactive engagement.
  • Be Prepared for a Yes: Clarity about your goals and offerings is essential. Deep work ensures you're ready to seize opportunities when they arise. Having a well-defined offer and an execution plan positions you to jump into high-value opportunities without hesitation.
  • Build in Public: Execution is key. Start implementing your ideas and showcase your work. Garner attention for your endeavors, attracting those interested in your journey. Some will be eager to learn, others to collaborate, and some might even want to invest or offer guidance. Building in public creates a magnetic force around your endeavors.

Action Item: Pick the one that resonates with you

For the next 21 days, commit to the following:

  • Refine and clarify your personal and professional goals.
  • Develop a concise and compelling offer that aligns with your goals and email 5 people each week asking for feedback on your offer.
  • Share your progress publicly at least three times a week through your network.
  • Provide value to 5 people each week.

Remember, success is not just about waiting for the right moment; it's about actively creating the moments that lead to success. Keep crafting your own path!