Owners Mindset
April 11, 2024

Finding Your Work Oasis

Have you ever felt like a square peg trying to fit in a round hole? This feeling often plagues individuals who are unfulfilled in their jobs, le

Finding Your Work Oasis

Blueprint #19: Finding Your Work Oasis

Lesson: You might not actually be bad at your job…

Have you ever felt like a square peg trying to fit in a round hole? This feeling often plagues individuals who are unfulfilled in their jobs, leading them to believe they're simply "bad" at their work. But the truth is, it might not be you – it could be a misalignment between your skills and the company culture.

Insight: Unlocking Your Potential 

The good news: there's a company out there for everyone. Introverts, extroverts, performance-driven individuals, relationship-builders, and mission-oriented folks can all thrive in the right work environment. The key lies in finding a company culture that complements your strengths, values, and personality.

People are not bad at their job… They're just not a good fit. 

There’s a company out there for everyone and everything. You could be a failure at one place and a success at another. More often than not, I have found that people are not bad workers. They are just a better fit somewhere else.

Action Item:

It is, however, your JOB to find the place that you work in the best... where you are willing and desire to put the work in and naturally align with the values of the company. 

Stop being unhappy about your work and start with 1 hour a week to find what you want. There is a company and workplace for you and if you can't find one. . .  build one.