Owners Mindset
February 29, 2024

Connects over transactions

Invest in relationships, not just transactions. Nurture connections, for they can become invaluable sources of support, collaboration, and even

Connects over transactions

Blueprint #13: Connects over transactions

Lesson: Connects over transactions.

In the whirlwind of meetings and pitches, we often prioritize transactions over connections. But there's immense power in fostering genuine relationships that transcend fleeting deals and momentary gains.

It was 14 years ago, and a miscommunication led me to Paul Singh's office at 11pm on a random night. He, a "larger than life" investor, didn't bat an eye. We talked, he invested, and a pivotal chapter in my entrepreneurial journey began.

Fast forward to last month, years and fatherhood have transformed us both. Yet, as we reconnected, our conversation flowed effortlessly. From business philosophies to dad life, we synced up instantly. Despite the passage of time and shifting landscapes, our connection endured.

Paul Singh and I connecting!

Insight: If there is one thing I have learned from my 3 decades of owning businesses…

Business is more than deals; it's about people. Invest in relationships, not just transactions. Nurture connections, for they can become invaluable sources of support, collaboration, and even investment down the line. My love of connecting has driven me to creating my own community, Owners Club. This networking community has shown me the power of building relationships at scale and is actively fueling the success of owners.

Businesses may come and go, but meaningful connections last a lifetime. They can open doors, offer support, and even spark incredible collaborations. So, take a step back from the hustle and invest in building relationships. You never know where it might lead, and one 11pm meeting could change your trajectory forever.

Action Item:

  • Reignite old flames: Reach out to past colleagues, mentors, or friends. Reconnect, share updates, and see where life takes you.
  • Join a community: Supercharge your community overnight but joining a group of like-minded owners at a similar point in their business as you.