Owners Mindset
July 18, 2024

A Lesson from Steve Jobs: Why Product Quality Should Be Priceless

This experience has stayed with me through my career, influencing how I approach building businesses and products.

A Lesson from Steve Jobs: Why Product Quality Should Be Priceless

Blueprint #33:  A Lesson from Steve Jobs: Why Product Quality Should Be Priceless

Lesson: A Retail Encounter with Steve Jobs

Many years ago, while working at an Apple retail store, I had the unique experience of servicing Steve Jobs. He came in with his family to shop for and fix tech items. What struck me most? He never asked for the employee discount or expected the services for free, he elected to pay full price every single time.

Insight: The Power of Believing in What You Build

This might seem like a small detail, but it left a lasting impression. Here's why: by paying full price, Jobs demonstrated his unwavering belief in Apple products. He wasn't just the CEO; he was a customer who valued quality so highly that discounting wasn't even a consideration. It was a powerful example of leading by example and holding his company's products to the highest standard.

This experience has stayed with me through my career, influencing how I approach building businesses and products.

Action Item: Invest in Your Core

Think about your own business. Where can you prioritize quality and ensure your product or service is worth its full value? Remember, unwavering belief in what you create attracts customers who understand and appreciate true quality.